About Breast Augmentation / Breast Implant Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation plastic surgery (breast augmentation) using breast implants is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States. The New York City Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgeon, Douglas Sendeorff, MD, FAC, performs breast augmentation / breast implants plastic surgery numerous times each and every week of the year.

Innovations in breast implants plastic surgery has led to improved results with shorter recovery time and decreased (minimal if no scarring). Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Douglas Senderoff, MD, FACS who practices in New York City has rarely has a complication with any of his patients while performing breast augmentation / breast implants plastic surgery. The NYC Breast Augmentation (Breast Implant) Plastic Surgeon is one of NYC's most popular plastic surgeons to perform breast augmentation plastic surgeon with breast implants. The NYC Plastic Surgeon breast implants plastic surgery reputation is impeccable.

The NYC Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgeon performs the majority of his breast augmentation / breast implants plastic surgery procedures under general anesthesia as an outpatient in his fully accredited surgical facility located in New York City on Park Avenue South in Manhattan / NYC.

The most popular breast implants size requested is a C cup. Keep in mind that the same size saline breast implant in one patient will look different in another patient depending on how much breast tissue each patient has to start with. The NYC Breast Implants Plastic Surgeon's goal is to create a natural looking breast that is in proportion to the patients frame.

Factors that must be considered prior to choosing a breast implant include the amount of of existing breast tissue, any asymmetry, and patient lifestyle including occupation, exercise habits and clothing choices.

There are three incision sites that are commonly used depending on the needs of the patient. The inframammary approach involves placing the incision in the breast fold at the bottom of the breast. This site is used very commonly in women with a well defined breast fold and is the simplest and easiest method to insert the breast implant. The periareolar approach involves an incision on the inferior or bottom part of the areola. This approach can result in an inconspicuous scar but can distort the areola if healing is not perfect. In addition with the periareolar approach, the breast tissue is disturbed by dissecting through the middle of the breast. The transaxillary approach involves placing the implant through an incision in the armpit or axilla. With this approach there is no scarring of the skin of the breast.

The NYC Breast Augmentation / Breast Implants Plastic Surgeon uses an endoscope which is a tiny camera attached to a monitor the breast augmentation surgery so he can create a precise pocket to fit the breast implant. This approach is appropriate for patients with fairly symmetrical breasts who do not desire an incision on the breast itself.

The breast implants are usually positioned behind the chest wall by the Manhattan Plastic Surgeon - this muscle known as the Pectoralis Major muscle. Breast implants are placed behind the Pectoralis muscle have been found to develop less capsular contracture. In addition, these submusular implants are less palpable and exhibit less rippling than implants placed above the muscle known as the subglandular position. Sometimes breast implants that were originally placed in the subglandular position are converted to the submuscular position to alleviate rippling and palpability. While the submuscular position does produce more discomfort immediately after surgery the results are well worth it. Studies have shown a complete return in chest muscle strength with no loss of function in patients with submuscular implants. In addition, mammography is more effective in imaging the breast if the implant is positioned below the muscle as compared to a breast with an implant placed in the subglandular position.

Overall, the vast majority of women that the New York City breast augmentation plastic surgeon operates on experience great satisfaction from breast augmentation / breast implant plastic surgery and are thrilled!

Many of the Manhattan's breast augmentation with breast implants plastic surgery patients report an increase in self-esteem and confidence within days of the surgery. In addition, many women are delighted that they are finally able to wear the type of clothing they could not feel comfortable in before their surgery. Breast implants surgery can be a rewarding and life enhancing experience when performed thoughtfully and carefully in patients who are well informed and willing to undergo elective surgery in order to achieve their goal.

If you have any questions about breast augmentation plastic surgery with  breast implants (saline breast implants or silicone breast implants) or a breast lift procedure please feel free to contact the New York City Board Certified Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Senderoff, at our Manhattan or Westchester, New York offices. The New York City Breast Implants Plastic Surgeon offers free breast augmentation with breast implants consultation 212-481-3939.


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Contact Us

461 Park Avenue South
@ 31st Street
New York, New York 10016
Phone: (212) 481-3939

90 South Ridge Street
Rye Brook, NY 10573
Phone: (914) 934-5000